A journey by boat | Important paragraph for School Students |

by Faysal ⋅ Last Updated :
May 4, 2012 | 04:01 AM

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A journey always enriches our knowledge and gives us a proper idea about the beauty of the world. A journey gives us great pleasure too. A journey by boat means going to a distant place by boat. A boat journey can be highly enjoyable if the journey is a planned one and the weather is fine. Our Bangladesh being a riverine country is an ideal place for traveling by boat. To speak about myself, a boat journey is alluring to me. When I find an opportunity, I make a boat journey with great joy.

Time and occasion:

It was autumn, our school was going to be closed for more than a week on the durga puja festival. So I and several of my bosom friends were thinking about how we could spend the vacation. While thinking so, one of my friends said that we could spend the vacation in his village house which was nearly twenty miles away from our school. We all decided to go there by boat.


We made all the necessary arrangements satisfactorily. We hired a big boat which had the capacity to carry nearly twenty people. There were three boatmen with us. We took a video camera too. It was decided that we would start our journey in the morning on the second day of the vacation.

How started:

At 7a.m. on the scheduled date we four friends started for Dhaka sadarghat from our school hostel. We had arrived sadarghat at 7.30 a.m. and saw that our boatman had been waiting for us. The boat was in tip top condition and also neat and clean. After some time we got into the boat and it began to row to our destination.

Description of the journey:

The weather was fine and the sky was clear. The sun was shining brightly. The river was full to the brim. The wind was blowing in our favour. Our boat began to move fast. Many boats, trawlers, motor launches and steamers were flying on the river. Our boatmen were skilled enough to avoid collision. Gentle breeze was blowing and small waves were beating against our boat with sweet murmuring sound. We had taken our musical instruments so we sang several vatially songs.

Sights enjoyed:

We enjoyed many appealing sights on both sides of the river. The houses and trees on both sides of the river looked so charming. The green plants in the fields filled the thirst of our mind. Many farmers were seen working in the fields. Some village women were washing utensils. Fisher men were fishing and children were swimming in the river. We could realize that our motherland is really a darling child of nature. Nature has decorated her with unparallel beauty. Thus we covered a distance of nearly fifteen miles.

Food and arrangement:

It was nearly 12pm and the time of lunch was drawing to a close. Then we stopped at a market on the bank of the river and bought a big hilsha fish, some rice and other things for our lunch. The boatmen cooked the fish and rice and we had lunch very contentedly. After the lunch we again started rowing. Then I recollected two lines of an English song: “Row, row, row, the boat, gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.”


In the evening we reached our destination. My friend’s village house was on the bank of a big canal. Our arrival was a big surprise to his parents and relatives. They welcomed us with great pleasure. We paid the fare of the boat and got down. We spent a week in the village and enjoyed village life greatly.


I enjoyed the journey so much that it has taken place in my mind permanently. Still it is fresh and vivid in my mind. Sometimes my mind goes back to that journey and receives great pleasure. It seems to me the journey will never get lost from my memory.

A journey by boat | Important paragraph for School Students |

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