Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Admission requirements and important information 2020-2021

by fuad ⋅ Last Updated :
August 16, 2018 | 01:06 AM

Application Opens:
7 February 2021

Application Closes:
20 February 2021

Admission Test:
datetime: 19 March 2021


How to Apply online for Admission in IUT

(only Muslim applicants can apply for admission in IUT)

(Host Country BSc Engineering and BBA Candidates)

Step 1: Completion of the application using TeleTalk SMS

  1. Send SMS from any prepaid TeleTalk mobile to 16222. Type the followings with a space between each pair of words:
  2. IUT
  3. First 3 letters of HSC Education board
  4. HSC Examination Roll Number
  5. HSC passing year
  6. First 3 letters of SSC education board
  7. SSC Examination Roll Number
  8. SSC passing year (First 3 letters of the Education Boards are – Barishal (BAR), Chittagong (CHI), Comilla (COM), Dhaka (DHA), Dinajpur (DIN), Jessore (JES), Rajshahi (RAJ), Sylhet (SYL), Madrasah (MAD), Vocational Education (VOC)) Example SMS: IUT DHA 123456 2018 DHA 234567 2016
  9. If the SMS is sent with correct information, the applicant will receive an SMS with his/her name, admission fees, and a PIN to get the applicant’s approval.
  10. The approval from the applicant has to be sent by another SMS from a Teletalk mobile to 16222 with a sufficient balance. The content of the SMS shall contain the followings with a space between each pair of words:
  11. IUT
  12. YES (indicates the approval for the money deduction)
  13. PIN (received from TeleTalk in the previous SMS)
  14. Personal mobile number of the applicant (any operator). This mobile number will be used for further communication for IUT admission. Example SMS: IUT YES 87654321 01XXXXXXXXX
  15. Applicants of O/A level require to collect a code from the IUT by completing preregistration on the IUT admission webpage ( Then the applicant has to send an SMS from a Teletalk prepaid mobile to 16222 containing the following words with a space between each pair of words
  16. IUT
  17. GCE
  18. Applicant’s code (collected from IUT Website)
  19. 2018

Step 2: Upload Image, Generation of the Admit Card of the admission test and downloading the Admit Card

  1. A list of Eligible candidates will be published on 8 March 2021.
  2. Eligible candidates have to upload their recent color photograph. The size of the photograph should not be more than 100 KB.
  3. Eligible candidates have to generate and download their Admit cards. To download the admit card, candidates have to log in with the PIN and password (will be sent to the registered phone number later).
  4. Eligible candidates will be able to download the Admit card from 11 March 2021 to 14 March 2021.
  5. Candidates will not be allowed to sit for the admission test without admit card.

How to Apply for Admission in IUT**(Host Country Diploma, BSc and MSc in Technical Education Candidates)**

  1. candidates for Diploma, BSc and MSc in Technical Education programmes require to collect a code from the IUT by completing a preregistration on the IUT admission webpage ( Then the applicant has to send an SMS from a Teletalk prepaid mobile to 16222 containing the following words with a space between each pair of words
  2. IUT
  3. GCE
  4. Applicant’s code (collected from IUT Website)
  5. 2018
  6. The approval from the applicant has to be sent by another SMS from a Teletalk mobile to 16222 with sufficient balance. The content of the SMS shall contain the followings with a space between each word:
  7. IUT
  8. YES (indicates the approval for the money deduction)
  9. PIN (received from TeleTalk in the previous SMS)
  10. Personal mobile number of the applicant (any operator). This mobile number will be used for further communication for IUT admission.

Example SMS: IUT YES 87654321 01XXXXXXXXX

How to Apply for Admission in IUT**(Host Country MSc Engineering and PhD candidates))**

  1. Applicants of MSc/PhD programme require to collect a code from the IUT by completing a preregistration on the IUT admission webpage ( Then the applicant has to send an SMS from a Teletalk prepaid mobile to 16222 containing the following words with a space between each pair of words
  2. IUT
  3. GCE
  4. Applicant’s code (acquired from IUT Website)
  5. 2018
  6. The approval from the applicant has to be sent by another SMS from a Teletalk mobile to 16222 with sufficient balance. The content of the SMS shall contain the followings with a space between each word:
  7. IUT
  8. YES (indicates the approval for the money deduction)
  9. PIN (received from TeleTalk in the previous SMS)
  10. Personal mobile number of the applicant (any operator). This mobile number will be used for further communication for IUT admission.

Example SMS: IUT YES 87654321 01XXXXXXXXX

Admission Roadmap (Important Dates)

1.Application starting dateSunday, 7 February 2021.
2.Application closing dateSaturday,20 February 2021.
5.List of candidates with verified grades and Eligible candidates for admission test8 March 2021
6.Image upload & Admit Card Download*11 March 2021 to 14 March 2021 If any candidate fails to generate admit card within the specified time he/she will not be allowed to generate it anymore.*
7.Admission Test**19 March 2021, 20 March 2021(BSc in Tourism and Hospitality Technology Candidates)**
8.Publication of combined merit list
9.Submission of department choices

How to Apply Online for Admission to IUT

(only Muslim applicants of OIC member countries can apply for admission in IUT)
**(International candidates)**
**International candidates applying through this portal will not be considered for any scholarships.** To avail of the scholarship, they need to apply through their nominating authority in IUT provided application forms. Application forms are available at the focal points of the OIC member states. Application forms can also be downloaded from [here](

For admission in the self-financed scheme, prior payment of the fees is required and without prior payment, an admission offer will not be delivered.

For admission-related information, visit the information details of the admission page or send an email to [email protected]. For any technical difficulties with an online application, send an email to [email protected].

Online Application Procedure

To start the online application process, candidates have to click on the “Apply Now” Tab on the Admission website ( or International candidates need to complete the following steps to complete the online application. In each step, they need to provide the mandatory information and click on the “Next’’ button to move to the next step.

The online application form requires the following tasks to be completed:

    1. Candidates have to provide the nationality, religion, and the programme for which they are applying.
      1. Candidates have to select their country. For all international students, a message will be displayed to ensure that the candidates understand this application will not be considered for any scholarships.
      2. Candidates have to select the programme, she/he likes to apply for.
      3. Candidates have to mention their religion. Note that only Muslims can apply.
    1. In the next two steps, international candidates have to provide their personal details and contact address.
    1. Candidates have to upload their recent color photograph. The size of the photograph should not be larger than 100 KB.
    1. In this step, international candidates will provide their preference of different programmes according to their choice. The data to be entered by the international candidates in this step will vary according to the programme selected by the candidates in the first step.

      For BSc Engineering and BBA:

      The international candidates will select the programmes offered for BSc Engineering and BBA according to their preference of choice. For example, a candidate who is more interested in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) than Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) will select CSE before EEE in her/his programme choice order. Candidates are asked to pay special attention here because the admission offer will be based on the programme choice order.

      For MSc Engineering and PhD:

      International candidates will select the appropriate Programme according to her/his interest. Note that candidates must have the BSc Engineering/Equivalent degree in the selected programme for MSc engineering and both BSc Engineering and MSc Engineering or Equivalent degrees in the selected programme for Ph.D.

    1. In this step, international candidates have to upload scanned copies of their transcripts and certificates. Candidates can upload either a Zip file that includes all the transcripts and certificates or they can upload the scanned files one after another.
  1. Finally, a confirmation email will be sent to the candidates upon successful completion of the above steps. This email will contain the PIN and password of the candidates to be used for future login.

Note that the candidates are responsible for the correctness and completeness of the application. An incomplete application will not be processed.

Frequently Asked Question

**Q1. I Have lost my PIN number. What to do?**

Answer: *Send an SMS with IUT help hsc_board roll year and send it to 16222.*Q2. I am having a problem while applying through teletalk. What to do?

Answer: *You have to contact teletalk regarding this issue. You can send an SMS to 16222 using the following formate.
IUT help PIN xxxxxxxx
here xxxxxxxx is the PIN number given by teletalk.*Q3. During application through teletalk by mistake, I have given the wrong contact phone number. What can I do?

Answer: Use the Q2 method. also you can send an email to [email protected] if you are unable to resolve this issue.

> ## Contact Information

Office of the Registrar,
Administrative Building,
Islamic University of Technology
Board Bazar, Gazipur 1704

Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Phone: 9291252, 9291254-9 Ext 3226,3320, 3209

Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Admission requirements and important information 2020-2021

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