Find EIIN, College Code, and Phone Numbers of Colleges in Bangladesh

by EduportalBD Team

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What is EIIN?

An EIIN (Educational Institute Identification Number) is a unique code assigned to every educational institution in Bangladesh. It helps differentiate one institute from another and is crucial for various administrative purposes.

Why is EIIN Important?

The EIIN plays a vital role in the Bangladeshi education system. It facilitates:

  • Streamlined data management for educational institutions.
  • Efficient tracking of student enrollment and academic records.
  • Improved transparency and accountability within the education sector.

How to Find EIIN, College Code, and Phone Numbers

Finding the EIIN, college code, and phone number for any college in Bangladesh is now easier than ever! Here’s how:

  1. Search by Institution Name: Utilize the official EduportalBD institute (search tool). Simply enter the college name and filter by category (college) to find its details.
  2. Contact the College Directly: Many colleges have their contact information readily available on their websites or social media pages.
  3. Check the list below: Check the district-wise institutes list below.

Additional Tips

  • Bookmark the EduportalBD institute search tool for future reference.
  • Keep in mind that college phone numbers might change occasionally. It’s recommended to verify the number with the college directly if needed.

List of colleges by district.

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